8 Questions with Hot Pot Variety founder, Jess Papp

1. Something that makes me laugh... 

reminiscing on past silly adventures with the besties

2. I'm in love with... 

crocheting and knitting

3. In another life I would have been... 

a baker (or maybe I still can in this life)

4. My superpower is... 

my intuition

5. I feel most inspired... 

when I travel

6. A place that means a lot to me... 


7. Something fun everyone should try is... 

improv classes!

8 Questions with Multi Media Artist Niki Saint

1. The song that always gets me on the dancefloor...

ofc - You’re so Vain by Carly Simon.

2. My best party trick...

Classic; I can tie a cherry knot. 🍒 

3. My morning after cure...

A huge glass of water before bed, *walking* (this is 🔑 ) to a pilates class followed by a very long, hot bath. (And, like, 10 coffees, best enjoyed with girlfriends).

4. Every party needs...


5. Something that always makes me laugh...

Anything inappropriate. I laugh a lot. BUT MY FAVOURITE IS when you’re laughing so hard, that the person you’re with starts - and then you’re both contagiously laughing and can’t stop. That always cracks me up.

6. I'm in love with...

Hand written notes, capturing the sun between my fingers, buying too many flowers, synchronicities, finding dimes, knowing when to end something, knowing when you begin, booking one way tickets, watching my friends flourish, the tiny in-between moments when it feels like nothing is happening, but really - everything Is happening. 

7. I'm happiest when...

I’m floating in water.

8. My dream...

is to witness all of the people I love become the highest versions of themselves: creating, lifting, sharing, expanding and glowing. -also- *is that 13 year old me would reblog current me on Tumblr *

8 Questions with Maker Monika Mann

1. The song that always gets me on the dancefloor...

Oof, this is a hard tie breaker between Boney M "Sunny" & "Yes Sir I Can Boogie" by Baccara - they will get me moving anywhere and everywhere forever. 

2. My best party trick...

My laugh - it seems to be a conversation and party starter!

3. My morning after cure...

A candlelit bath & ice cold Diet Coke.

4. Every party needs...


5. Something that always makes me laugh...

Well someone...My husband <3 

6. I'm in love with...

The feeling of having all my favourite people around a candlelit table with good food, wine, music - laughing and crying together. 

7. I'm happiest when...

I’m hosting a dinner party!

8. My dream...

This could take up a whole page but let's go with something fun and new, I dream about making my own MMANN wine !!

8 Questions with Artist Jules Monson

1. The song that always gets me on the dancefloor...

I never have a problem getting down on the dance floor but Earth Wind and Fire’s September does the trick if I’m particularly not in the mood. 

2. My best party trick...

I don’t know if it’s a trick? But I can Irish goodbye very well. I could make it a sport.  

3. My morning after cure...

Blue Powerade, two Advil, breakfast sandwich from somewhere greasy and a great belly laugh with a friend. 

4. Every party needs...

Good music!!!!!!! 

5. Something that always makes me laugh...

I really hate this about me but when someone falls down I laugh and it doesn’t matter how hurt they are slapstick humour from The 3 Stooges raised me. If you’re a tiny kid extra “bonus points”. Kids falling down is an instant laugh lol. 

6. I'm in love with...

A flower right before it blooms, sunrises, sunsets, red wine, brand new lipstick, an excuse to go out for dinner, running into friends randomly on the street, bubbly water, lemon, meeting deadlines, a book you can’t put down and the sound of a piano in another room. 

7. I'm happiest when...

I am inspired!!! 

8. My dream...

To own a house with 6 of my girlfriends where all we do is giggle and make dinner parties and cry at the full moon and build secret entrances to our bedrooms and share clothes and handbags and create really beautiful art.